130. America's Sacred Promise: Understanding Our National Covenant
124. Covenant Nation: America’s Divine Destiny Unveiled
68. Resist! Guard Your Heart from Compromise
65. So, What's Truth to YOU?
64. Resist the Temptation to Mix Belief Systems | Know the Truth
63. In Today's Culture, There's NO Place for the "In-Between"
62. You are EMPOWERED NOW to Rule & Reign
61. Willingness Required! Blessing comes from DOING
60. Don't Be Like the Rest Walk with the Wise
59. Partnering with God to Restore All Things
58. Jesus Came to Reconcile & Restore, NOW YOU do the Same! Go, Tell
57. Jesus' Words Over Jerusalem Apply to Us Today!
56. Listen, Christian! It's YOUR out-of-control SOUL that Challenges You EVERY DAY
55. Make the Connection | Learn the Keys to Prospering in Your Soul
54. Christian, You Need to Get this RIGHT! What sets you apart?
53. Key Essentials to Heaven's Influence | The Reward of HONOR
52. Key Essentials to Heaven's Influence | Impacting Our World by Prayer
51. Key Essentials to Heaven's Influence | Impacting Our World
50. The Truth Test | Proper as You Develop Right Attitudes toward Eternal Truth
49. The Truth Test | Guard Yourself from Wrong Attitudes toward Eternal Truth